Nick Alexander Woodie Collection
Portola Hotel & Spa and Monterey Conference Center |
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Monterey, CA
Article by Dave Welles
A Hot Rods Online Photo Expose

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Dave Welles, From Santa Cruz originally wrote the this article for the September issue of the TERMITE TIMES. This past summer, on a mid-August weekend, the Woodstock Nation celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love. At the same time, here on the Monterey Peninsula, a bittersweet celebration of sorts occurred in our own Wood Nation: the auction of the Nick Alexander Collection. If you were alive enough to fog a vanity mirror, you surely heard about it. The pre-auction chatter was relentless. We all wondered what prices these woodies would fetch, and by extension what our own cars might be worth, especially in this wretched economy.
Nick Alexander Collection |
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