Duane Steck,'54 Chevrolet. You might wonder why the Moonglow caught the eye and captured the hearts of customizers then and now. It's a simple, owner-built, drivewayconstructed car, finished in nothing more exotic than appliance white and powder blue enamel. The major modi- fication, of course, was the well-proportioned top chop, complemented by reworked rear fenders with handmade taillights. Other changes were no more intricate than dechroming, frenched headlights, shaved bumpers, and extra grille teeth. But it has the look. In '58 it got a grille change and Watson scallops over silver blue; in '60 it went candy blue; but we like the original '56/'57 form the best. Traded for a sports car, it was scrapped and crushed in the latter '60s.