Gulfport Florida
This is one of my favorite shows of
the season. When the rest of the country is shuutting down for the winter, Florida
is just getting started. The month of November is a countdown to the Turkey
Rod Run in Daytona, and November is kicked off with the AACA show at the Clymer
Park in Gulfport, FL. Gulfport is a little town west of St. Petersburg with
a waterfront on the channel coming into Tampa Bay.
It is a sleepy little town with a Colosium where everybody used to go to dance
in the forties and fifties. It is still there right on the water and still caters
to music from a by-gone era.
One of the unique features is that
the show has developed into a nice weekend that includes ASCA activities and
restored cars on Saturday and Street Rods on