O.F.C.C was there to defend their honor at the line!

The illustrious Old Farts Car Club was there
with their tent and Ken Van Zill represented the club with his beautiful
442 Olds with a 455 engine. We made a temporary vinyl sticker for the door,
so the many cheering fans would know who the O.F.C.C. were and Ken began
to fight off the many challengers

Kenny won the first match with a holeshot out of the chute. Red light
is 5.0 Ken's reaction time was 5.08. Not bad for a old guy. Ken claims it
is lightning fast reflexes but actually his skinny little leg couldn't hold
down the brake any longer. Second round, he red-lighted. I rest my case.
Kenny summed it up technically by saying, "I was hosed!" Anyhow
he looked good.