April 26th and 27th was the 8th Dixie Nationals in the Atlanta area. Although this was the 8th Dixie Nationals, this was the first time it was located in the Conyers Georgia Horse Park east of Atlanta in the beautiful Georgia mountains. As we drove into the park on Friday, we were immediately impressed with the quality of this location. This horse park was part of the Olympics for the Equestrian events and everything was first class. Some places are made to order for a rod run location and this one is dynamite.
Once again we were part of the Old Farts Car Club tent and set up in to center of the action as this event took shape for the first time. Separate area for Vendors, Clubs, Art & Crafts, and Food are all in place and Friday was sunny and beautiful as everybody set up. Dennis Hubbard of the O.F.C.C. was already there and had the location all scoped out for our tent. We set up and got everything in place and walked around to do what Dennis does best. Schmooze.
We were introduced to Gary Meadors and his wife Marilyn, in town for the introduction of this new location. Almost all the people from the Goodguys organization were there and we had a chance to meet all of them again and some of them for the first time.
One of the first people we saw was Andy Brizio, of Andy's T fame and
the roving ambassador for the Goodguys this year. Andy says that he has
the best job in the world right now, driving to all the Goodguys events
and meeting the fellow rodders from all over the country.
Dennis Hubbard, the HOF (Head Old Fart) greets the Rodfather Andy Brizio in a rare summit meeting of epic proportions. In the foreground is Andy's Roadster that he is driving to all the events.
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