Monthly column that appears in several auto newsletters monthly.

November 1996
In the Women's point of view column in this issue, Sandi clarified some of the terms that are used in the rodding vocabulary to bring the women up to speed on how the macho set communicate with one another. Well, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to do the same thing here in the online section so we can clarify some of the terms used in the computer world. I know that many of you have computers and this is old hat to you but the majority of the readers are probably just starting out so this may be of help to them. Besides it will give you experts a chance to pick out the mistakes I make and have a laugh or two.
First of all is the PC, or personal computer. This is basically a box with all the components of the computer are placed and it usually has the monitor, or screen as a separate unit that sits beside or on top. Some units have the monitor built in and are usually call portables. Newer to the scene are laptop computers which are small, collapsible, and light computers that will do just about anything that the desktop bound computers will doand are indeed more portable than the what used to be called portable. Certain additional components called peripherals (Ihope that is spelled right) are usually added inside the main computer or as a outside stand-alone unit. The main addition is usually a hard drive, which is basically a filing cabinet for all the things you create on a computer. This is like your garage, the bigger the better. (the bigger the better will be a recurring message throughout the computer experience) The function of the hard drive is stated as ROM (read only memory). Buried within the computer are some chips that arealled RAM (Random Access Memory). This memory is the immediate brain and action center of what is happening in the computer right now. cThe bigger the better because the more RAM the less the brain will have to wait for info to be brought to it, it will have it right there to use. Compare it to cubic inches. woof,woof,woof! more power. 8 to 16 megabytes is usually neccesary to survive nowadays. (I currently have 80 because I do graphics which use lots of memory).
To enter the world of the Internet, you need a modem. A modem connects to the phone line coming into your house and over these phone lines is the outside world of the internet. Modems are relatively inexpensive and you should get the fastest you can buy, because it will save you money in time and connect charges in the long run. Modems are measured by Baud rate and the minimum you should buy new would be 14,400.
As to what kind of computer to buy, it really ìs a toss up because technologies are becoming more and more compatible as time goes on. My computer is a Macintosh Power Mac (woof,woof,) and I like it because it is much easier to use and is the accepted standard for graphics. I would strongly recommend you consider it in your choice.
Getting back to those of you that are on the cutting edge of technology and may be surfing the net already, our Hot Rods Online should be up and running by the time this makes print.
We welcome you to come in, take a look. and offer any suggestions that you may have to help us improve. We remind you that this is a work in progress.
We have a variety of sections and some great likes to other areas and hot rodders throughout the world. Go into the Old Days Memory Lane and you can like up with the homepage of Norm (WooWoo) Grabowski of Kookie T fame. There are pictures of the original Kookie T, his 27 T-tub, and Kookie II. Yes, even "Big Daddy"Roth has found the computer age. The Henry Ford Museum, and many others will be available for your cruising pleasure.
See ya next month......