Twice a year, I travel to Daytona for a weekend of automotive sensory
overload. In November, it's the Turkey Rod Run, and on March 22, 23 1997
it was the Speedway Spectacular. I go in my capacity as a member of the
infamous Old Farts Car Club and have a fun time with the members of that
club from all over the country. Some of the new members this year was the
promoter of the a speedway in New Jersey, and a plastics company executive
that sells route 66 memorabilia. Many new members join at these two shows
and we welcome them to the fold.

If you are looking for a club that is a laid back and enjoyable experience,
this is the club for you. The O.F.C.C. tent is right is the center of activity
at both the Turkey Run and Speedway Spectacular. It you ever get to these
events, stop in and say hello.

We always try to get a representative example of the hobby
in front of the tent and this show we had two roadsters and two customs.
Direct from the fifties and all members of the Old Farts Car Club.
For several years, the original little deuce coupe was a fixture at our
tent, and now is touring the country as part of the cavalcade of customs,
sponsored by Eagle One.
More from the tent
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