runs from 2003
- 2003
Autorama 50th Anniversary Cobo
Hall Detroit, MI.
- 2003
Autorama Cobo Hall Detroit, MI.
- 2003
Moonshine Run Georgia Mountains
- 2003
Grand National Roadster Show L.A. Cal.
- 2003
Goodguys Indy Courtesy of Goodguys
- 2003
Biff Burger Drive In Show Pinellas Park, FL
- 2003
Detroit Auto Show Offerings from the manufacturers
- 2003
Autofest Tampa Florida
- 2003
NSRA Nationals Kalamazoo, Mich
- 2003
Gettysburg. Pa
- 2003
PPG Nationals Courtesy
of Goodguys Coluimbus,Ohio
- 2003
Roadmaster Rod Run Mystery Rod Run
- 2003
NSRA Nationals At Kentucky Expo Center
- 2003
Oakland a small group of cars, but very nice
- 2003
Imperial Auto Collection, in Las Vegas
- 2003
Grand Run in Pidgeon Forge, TN
- 2003
rod run